We're so Happy You're Here!
Today is truly an exciting and momentous day for the Academy of Self-Reliance. What was only a concept a few short months ago is now a reality.  Our team has been working tirelessly and has done and amazing job and looking forward to what lies ahead.
I have just returned from an eight-day trip introducing our project “The Path” and had a wonderful reception at each location where we held cottage meetings. This project, “The Path,” is being welcomed as a breath of fresh air in a challenging world.  The Path will be helping families network together with other like-minded families, while gaining the know-how to transition from a city lifestyle to a country culture, remaining debt free, utilizing alternative energy, being self-reliant on their own two-acre parcel of land, and receiving help and encouragement every step of the way.
On November 1st, the Academy will host the first of 75 instructional webinars that will take a family step by step along “The Path.” The first webinar, entitled “My Journey Begins,” introduces the website academyosr.com, helps families envision what it is they want, helps them assess where they are and helps them create a plan tailored to their needs and desires in becoming self-reliant.
Click Here To View Our Webinar Schedule
The courses and content being presented by the Academy will benefit anyone who has a desire to become self-reliant. Specialists, through webinars, will share their knowledge, experience and practices of self-reliance. There are addition activities and multiple resources associated with each webinar. There is a personal family journal provided to record the families' journey down the path. There is a forum for Q&A, there is a dashboard with achievements, earned certificates, as well as other resources needed for the journey.
Join with us, learning new skills and embrace new opportunities in research and pilot projects being established in Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and Cardston, Canada. Subscribe to the Academy of Self-Reliance webinars and courses connecting with others who share many of the same goals.
God speed,
Philip J Gleason
Executive Director

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”
H. Jackson Brown Jr.


Sheep milk has up to 3x the protein of cow or goat milk.
LACTOSE: Even in case of people with a high lactose intolerance, it will still be possible for them to use sheep milk products. When yoghurt is made from sheep milk, the lactose is converted to lactic acid and during the production of hard cheeses, the lactose is set free in the whey. There is also proof that the lactose in sheep milk is more acceptable to people than that of other types of milk.
Got a Burning Question?
We've got the perfect place for you to get started! We've created a forum where you can ask any questions you might have, or even answer questions others have! And there is no such thing as a silly question - if you thought of it, chances are someone else has, or will, too!
Click Here To Access The Forum
Have a great weekend!
-The Academy Of Self-Reliance Team
Academy of Self-Reliance
717 W 1650 N, Orem, Utah 840057
Copyright © 2018 Academy of Self-Reliance
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