Letter From The Director
The Utah OSR Land Co-op is well underway. 

• The 1,245-acre property with 2,800 acft of water is under contract. 
• Wells are being drilled or brought back into service. 
• A  4-acre pilot Hemp project of 6,000 plants has been instigated by 4 shareholders.
• A design & production team has been assembled to head up the manufacturing group producing small farm implements for growing industrial hemp.
• The second round of soil and water tests are due back next week.
• The survey is well underway. 
It is exhilarating participating in a project as it transitions from concept to reality. As with all projects of any size, it takes a tremendous amount of energy to start the ball rolling. Once the ball starts rolling, it takes on a life of itself. Just like a small snowball will increase in size as it is rolled down the hill. New friends and associates are being gathered in OSR as it starts rolling forward and increasing in size.
Our following Super Saturdays, May 18th and June 15th will be hosted at the property. There will be tours, service projects, presentations, and workshops. Each activity clearly focused on creating 2+ acres of self-reliance for a family. Come take a look, even participate in the transformation of land into a community of self-reliant like-minded neighbors.
God speed.
Philip J Gleason
Click Here to sign up for next week's Super Saturday events!
*The button above will take you to our calendar page, simply click on one or both of our Friday's activities, Saturday's activity, or all of them to reserve your spot!*
Tonight's Webinar
5.09.19 @7pm MST

Path to Optimum Health:
Observational Analysis Part 2

Is your body sending you clues about your health?

Is there a way to help determine what's going on with your health simply through personal observation?

Do you know your body's health score?

We've got some awesome answers to these questions and more!

Join us Tonight!

Click Here To Register For Our Live Webinar
*Please note that after you register, you will receive an email invitation with a link for tonight's live webinar.*
Did you know you can register without the link in our newsletters?
And that you can sign up for multiple webinars at once?

Simply go to our website, AcademyOSR.com,
Click on the image that says Webinar Lessons,
Click on the purple box with the date you want to register for,
Click the blue text that says Click to Register,
Fill out your info, and you're set!

Sit back and wait for your confirmation email, click the invite link, and we'll see you Thursdays at 7 pm!
Have a great week!
-The Academy Of Self-Reliance Team
Academy of Self-Reliance
717 W 1650 N, Orem, Utah 840057
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