As the Utah OSR Land Cooperative continues to grow and new shareholders choose their 2+ acre homesteads, I often learn who my new neighbors are going to be. Last week, to my pleasant surprise, I learned who two of those new neighbors will be. One is a retired family physician and the other is a nurse. They are joined by an electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, and several IT specialists, and this is just in my close proximity. Other areas in the land coop are enjoying similar experiences. Professionals in every field are being drawn to the project. There are contractors, educators, therapists, auto and diesel mechanics, and more. Each one has a desire to be self-reliant. They have resources and a willingness to harness the land, making it fruitful.

The first families with children are moving onto their homesteads preparing to build barns, homes, and establish the needed infrastructure. They are lining up materials, solar systems, acquiring the necessary permits, and other essentials.  What a wonderful sight. 

The whole purpose of the OSR Initiative is to provide a healthy, safe, family-oriented agricultural cooperative, where families become agriculturally productive with other neighbors that want to do the same. This is not an easy task, and while there are naysayer and scoffers, the work is going forward. The blood, sweat, and even tears are being applied to the land and an inheritance is being created for those who are willing to just do it.

I salute these pioneers. They know what they want, and they are applying their faith and will to create a bright future. They have set aside the immobilizing fear that grips many in our nation today. They are making dreams a reality. There is a spark of the divine in each of us. Fanning that spark, and creating a bright future in a dark and dreary landscape is what pioneers have done in every age since the beginning.

One no longer needs to wait and see if the vision will materialize. It is happening. The challenges are and will continue to be many, but self-reliant people always find a way. The invitation continues to go out to those that want more than just watching life happen. Operation Self-Reliance, the next new frontier is a force to reckon with.

God speed, 
Philip J. Gleason,

Reminder For Riverbed Ranch Community Members:

Do you have plans to build structures on your lot over the next 12 months? If so, please fill out this survey so we can link groups together for group buys on materials, etc.

Thank you!


Currently, there is a need for those with construction skills

Compensation is commensurate with experience and ability. Consideration for these employment opportunities will first be offered to the Utah OSR Land Cooperative shareholders and their family members. If you are interested, please, send a brief introduction of your skills and availability to for consideration.


Due to scheduling conflicts, this week's webinar has been canceled.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Do you have a gift, talent or experience with being self-reliant that you could share among us?

If so, we invite you to submit an article to be published in the Academy Newsletter. To help you submit your article, Coleen Gleason, one of our editors, will be happy to assist you. You can contact her or send your articles to her at Upon review and acceptance, you will be notified when your article will be published.

Thank you for sharing!

Here's what we've got going on!

Want to learn how to achieve greater self-reliance in our 250-family modern homesteading community? Then check out our Intro Meetings where we discuss what you can do, and where to start!

Would you like a personal tour of the site of a 250-family homestead community being built on the Utah OSR Land Co-op's 1,245-acre Riverbed Ranch in Juab County, Utah? Then join us for our Munch & Mingle Tour! We'll show you what we're doing now, and what we have planned for the future!

For more details and information about each of our events, click the button to visit our Events Page, and then scroll down to see what we've got planned.


Are you on social media? Then let's connect!

We'd love to have you join our Facebook Group, where we post about upcoming events and meetings where you and your friends can learn more about what we're doing! It's a great and easy way to help spread the word!


We are ready to place orders with Sol-Ark for our solar systems! 

Please note that due to a limited supply, prices will be going up on October 1st.

If you have any questions or want to submit an order for our next shipment, please contact Philip Gleason at or call him directly at (801) 310-1947.


Have a great week! - The AOSR Team
Academy of Self-Reliance
719 W 1650 N, Orem, Utah 84057
Copyright © 2020 Academy of Self-Reliance
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