Some of my activities outside of the Academy require me to purchase construction materials and equipment. During the last 24 hours, I’ve realized how fragile our supply chains are. For example, the unseasonably hot and dry spring and summer we have been experiencing here in the west has caused a four-week delay in the delivery of water storage tanks and chest type freezers. I bring this up for several reasons.

First, we never know when a supply chain will be interrupted or even terminated. Toilet paper is an example. The second reason has to do with the marketplace, such as home sales. There are certain places in the country where home sales are softening, while other places such as in Utah, they are very brisk, even a sellers’ market. Very seldom in history are there events that terminate all commerce in a single day; however, it has happened. Generally, there are trends to be watched and evaluated. We are currently seeing people leaving places such as New York and California, due to the cost of living, taxes, and now a rise in civil unrest. Other factors, such as COVID 19 and tensions rising with China, are causing markets to fluctuate and contract. 

These are trends that do not portend well for stability in the near future.

Some suggestions to consider are:

• If you are thinking of selling your home, sooner than later would be recommended.

• If you are holding onto a considerable amount of cash, investing in food-producing property or other agricultural supporting industries, including building supplies is suggested.

• Debt related recreational toys or even leveraging real estate is ill-advised at this time.

• Acquiring basic food storage such as rice, beans, and wheat is a safe bet. Better yet, develop the ability to produce your own food supply in a location that is safe from overwhelming populations that will be without when food is in short supply.

• Acquiring knowledge and the skill to use it regarding self-reliance is critical.

We do not realize how mentally and emotionally dependent we are on our current supply chains and lifestyles. Taking time to truly assess our changing social and economic environment and identifying what we are going to do to mitigate the challenges facing us can be life and death decisions. Preparing every needful thing is not fear-driven, it is prudent and expedient action. Now is a good time to make the changes needed for a healthy, safe, and productive future.

God speed,
Philip J. Gleason

Currently, there is a need for those with construction skills

Compensation is commensurate with experience and ability. Consideration for these employment opportunities will first be offered to the Utah OSR Land Cooperative shareholders and their family members. If you are interested, please, send a brief introduction of your skills and availability to for consideration.



What is a cooperative free enterprise?

What's the difference between "cooperatives" and "cooperative communities"?

Why are some successful, while others aren't?

You've got questions, and we've got answers! So, come join us!


*Please note that after you register, you will receive an email invitation with a website link and info with instructions on how to view the live webinar.

Do you have a gift, talent or experience with being self-reliant that you could share among us?

If so, we invite you to submit an article to be published in the Academy Newsletter. To help you submit your article, Coleen Gleason, one of our editors, will be happy to assist you. You can contact her or send your articles to her at Upon review and acceptance, you will be notified when your article will be published.

Thank you for sharing!

Here's what we've got going on!

Want to learn how to achieve greater self-reliance in our 250-family modern homesteading community? Then check out our Intro Meetings where we discuss what you can do, and where to start!

Would you like a personal tour of the site of a 250-family homestead community being built on the Utah OSR Land Co-op's 1,245-acre Riverbed Ranch in Juab County, Utah? Then join us for our Munch & Mingle Tour! We'll show you what we're doing now, and what we have planned for the future!

For more details and information about each of our events, click the button to visit our Events Page.


Save the Date for our very first tree planting event on 
September 12th! 

There are several projects happening at the Riverbed Ranch involving planting trees and shrubs to begin regenerating the soil and providing forage for bees in areas around the Welcome Center, the 40 acre Special Projects Center (The Academy Campus, Rescue Home, Therapy Barn, etc.), and eventually the future Green Belt/Waterway. Initial planting projects will begin where water is already available to keep plants alive, and many plants and cuttings are already being gathered to get this started! 

On September 12, 2020, we will be inviting OSR shareholders AND the interested public to come to the Riverbed Ranch for a 1-day mass tree/shrub planting event. The primary goal of this 1-day event is to plant 2,020 trees and shrubs in one day, and of course, the secondary goals include socializing and gathering public interest in regenerative agriculture and the mission of the Academy of Self-Reliance and Utah Land Co-Op! 

Crowdfunding and Advertising campaigns are ongoing to gather funds and participants. There is additional help needed, of course! 

Please contact Sarah Vezzani at if you are interested in helping out with the planning and/or execution of this event.


Have you heard? We're building a ropes course!

The Academy OSR Ropes Course will offer a unique series of team-building exercises that will have a variety of activities and programs that will challenge you, your friends, family, coworkers, and teammates to master challenges and conquer fears.

This state-of-the-art facility incorporates a continuous belay system that provides for maximum safety as participants learn and internalize concepts such as:

• problem-solving   • leadership skills   • communication   • self-confidence

. . . and so much more! We truly believe this will bless the lives of the young, and the not-so-young. 


Are you on social media? Then let's connect!

We'd love to have you join our Facebook Group, where we post about upcoming events and meetings where you and your friends can learn more about what we're doing! It's a great and easy way to help spread the word!


We are ready to place orders with Sol-Ark for our solar systems! 

If you have any questions or want to submit an order for our next shipment, please contact Philip Gleason at or call him directly at (801) 310-1947.


Have a great week! - The AOSR Team
Academy of Self-Reliance
719 W 1650 N, Orem, Utah 84057
Copyright © 2020 Academy of Self-Reliance
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