Years ago, in Preston, ID as a young volunteer fireman and an EMT, we continually trained to respond to an emergency. As first responders when arriving upon an accident, our first task was to assess the situation to determine what needed to be done to stabilize the scene and prevent any further injury or damage to first people and then property. Our actions in the first few moments of a crisis are critical. Today, we all find ourselves at the scene of a world-wide event, COVID 19. How we respond to this event, in the beginning, will, in many ways, determine our outcome, both short term, and long term.

The first and most important assessment should be of our own emotional response. Are we pent up in fear of being immobilized, or thrashing around in frustration at what appears to be a loss of control over our lives?  Or are we evaluating our surroundings and making decisions that will spare further damage to people and property, such as our family and friends in our circle of influence, and to our assets, such as our income, savings, and retirement.

First, let’s determine how we and those around us are fairing emotionally and physically. Fear and anxiety have a purpose and that is to get us moving. As a first responder at the scene of an accident or fire our first task was seeing everyone was moved to a place of safety, then addressing the needs of each individual. Being aware of those around you as individuals and not as a group is critical. Viewing those around you as a group will cause you to miss signs that an individual may be in distress, physically or emotionally. One of the best strategies for moving people out of fear and anxiety is to get them involved in becoming part of the solution, whether it be moving others to places of safety or helping another in need.

Once the personal safety of ourselves and those around us are insured, we can focus on property. The current pandemic is having a devastating impact on our economy. This impact is as devastating as any fire. The question is: do you watch and do nothing, or do you start saving what you can?  As with people, you have to do an assessment of the situation. The following is my personal assessment and mine alone, however, I do encourage everyone to be proactive in preserving their assets and not just watching and hoping for the best.

Up and until the last couple of weeks the stock markets have had their longest period of growth ever without any significant downturn lasting over a decade. This was in part due to a reduction in taxes, a decrease in regulations, the Federal Reserve pumping money into the system, and other stimulus activities that have only been bandage fixes. On the other hand, overseas shipping has steadily declined over the last couple of years, signifying a contraction of the global economy. In addition, for the last year bonds with their inverted yield curve, where the shorter-term bonds are with higher returns, the longer-term bonds have been signaling a potential recession. There are many other things that are signaling a steep correction and contraction in our economy. This includes changes we see in the demographics where the older people dropping out of the workforce out-number the young people coming into the workforce and the list goes on. All in all, the indicators signal that what we are in for when it is said and done will be much worse than 2007-2008.

As first responders, we see people first and property second. The question remains: what is your plan to change the outcome when today’s toilet paper shortages become tomorrow’s food shortages? History is only repeating itself. OSR has a pathway to self-reliance with other like-minded people. But it is only a pathway, you have to make the journey. To make the journey decisions and actions are required. You have to decide if you really think life will return to normalcy and do nothing, or if the signs of the times are upon us. From here on out it will only become increasingly difficult to prepare every needful thing. There were many that mocked Noah right up until the door closed.

God speed,
Philip J. Gleason



Can I use raw meat?

How long will the jars keep?

But does it taste good?

Is it complicated?

You've got questions, and we've got answers! So, come join us!


*Please note that after you register, you will receive an email invitation with a website link and info with instructions on how to view the live webinar.

Here's what we've got going on!

Want to learn how to achieve greater self-reliance in our 250-family modern homesteading community? Then check out our Intro Meetings where we discuss what you can do, and where to start!

Would you like a personal tour of the site of a 250-family homestead community being built on the Utah OSR Land Co-op's 1,245-acre Riverbed Ranch in Juab County, Utah? Then join us for our Munch & Mingle Tour! We'll show you what we're doing now, and what we have planned for the future!

For more details and information about each of our events, click the button to visit our Events Page.


Join us this June for our very first tree planting event!
There are several projects happening at the Riverbed Ranch involving planting trees and shrubs to begin regenerating the soil and providing forage for bees in areas around the Welcome Center, the 40 acre Special Projects Center (The Academy Campus, Rescue Home, Therapy Barn, etc.), and eventually the future Green Belt/Waterway. Initial planting projects will begin where water is already available to keep plants alive, and many plants and cuttings are already being gathered to get this started!
In mid-June, 2020, we will be inviting OSR shareholders AND the interested public to come to the Riverbed Ranch for a 1-day mass tree planting event. The primary goal of this 1-day event is to plant 2,020 trees and shrubs in one day, and of course, the secondary goals include socializing and gathering public interest in regenerative agriculture and the mission of the Academy of Self-Reliance and Utah Land Co-Op!
Crowdfunding and Advertising campaigns are launching soon to gather funds and participants. There is additional help needed, of course! Below is one specific role we are looking to fill, but of course this 1-day event will only be accomplished with many helping hands.

Please contact Sarah Vezzani at if you are interested in filling the below role or would like to help in other ways.

Responsibilities include planning and coordinating the people-related logistics of the day: checking participants in, distributing water bottles and T-shirts, directing families to different stations (rest areas with snacks, bathrooms, baby changing/feeding area), ensuring everyone has necessary equipment (and training if needed!) to help out, organizing activities for younger children, and entertainment (can simply be music playing - we have a volunteer for supplying the sound system)


Have you heard? We're building a ropes course!

The Academy OSR Ropes Course will offer a unique series of team-building exercises that will have a variety of activities and programs that will challenge you, your friends, family, coworkers, and teammates to master challenges and conquer fears.

This state-of-the-art facility incorporates a continuous belay system that provides for maximum safety as participants learn and internalize concepts such as:

• problem-solving   • leadership skills   • communication   • self-confidence

. . . and so much more! We truly believe this will bless the lives of the young, and the not-so-young. 


Are you on social media? Then let's connect!

We'd love to have you join our Facebook Group, where we post about upcoming events and meetings where you and your friends can learn more about what we're doing! It's a great and easy way to help spread the word!


We are in the process of providing a discount for solar-energy equipment.  We have selected Sol-Ark as a supplier.

To increase our discounts, we are needing to combine our purchases.  We can get improved discounts if we place an order for 10 or more units.  And at 20 or more units, we receive an even larger discount.

If you are thinking of purchasing solar-energy equipment, whether for your new home, existing home, friend’s home, camping, etc…, please fill out our online questionnaire so that we can combine our orders and get big savings.

This is not a commitment to purchase at this time.  We are only getting a list of potential buyers. 

Have a great week! - The AOSR Team
Academy of Self-Reliance
719 W 1650 N, Orem, Utah 840057
Copyright © 2019 Academy of Self-Reliance
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