With each passing day, there are more and more phone calls from individuals that I have never met, each seeking a pathway to true self-reliance, and wanting to know more about OSR. They are hoping that it is real and something within their reach. It is gratifying and exciting to hear from people who are excited about the work so many have contributed to over the last twelve months to make OSR a reality. It is to those that I would like to pay tribute this week.


First and foremost, I want to acknowledge Larry Jones and Sarah Garlick who have spent so many hours first to create and then to maintain our web presence, academyosr.com, and osrcommunity.com. Both have families, full-time employment, church and community commitments and more. Yet, they have taken the time, making sacrifices to bring about the tools necessary to move this work along. They have my thanks, my admiration, and my love.


Then, we have the six originators of OSR: Larry Jones, Steve Marks, Tom Swallow, Jeff Weaver, John Day and Dr. Kyle Christensen contributed knowledge, experience and at times funding to move OSR forward. Each one has provided the funding needed to create the Utah OSR Land Cooperative and equally important, they have contributed the faith and belief needed to bring such a project into existence. Our gratitude extends to Dr. Kyle Christensen, who has established another project in San Pete County. We support him and his project, as he is one of us, a brother in such an important work.


Next is a special group of individuals that have my highest regard and love: Mark Miner, Brenda Christensen, Tiffany & Drew Daumueller, Debbie Sorrell, Jesse Fisher, and many others. Each of these individuals has spent countless hours helping with Super Saturdays and many other days out at the Ranch working tirelessly to make the property presentable for those coming to see the possibilities. 


In addition, we have our amazing OSR Partners, Utah OSR Land Cooperative, Earth’s Purest, GeoCure Global Hive Cooperative, The Village Drill Group, Natural Resources, OSR Green LLC and the list continues to grow. Each partner in some way contributes to the success of OSR. 


Finally, we have our growing list of volunteers helping with the creation of workshops, webinars, and other OSR events. There are too many to list, but each is valuable in so many ways. It is to them and those mentioned above that I salute as heroes in turning the tide from a world of dependencies to communities of self-reliance. Because of the tireless efforts of these people, there is a brightness of hope. Thank you!


God speed

Philip J. Gleason




Is it edible?

Are there other uses than just for making candles?

How does one harvest it?

You've got questions, and we've got answers! So come join us!


*Please note that after you register, you will receive an email invitation with a website link and info with instructions on how to view the live webinar.

Are you on social media? Then let's connect!

We'd love to have you join our FB group, where we post about upcoming events and meetings where you and your friends can learn more about what we're doing! It's a great and easy way to help spread the word!


We are in the process of providing a discount for solar-energy equipment.  We have selected Sol-Ark as a supplier.

To increase our discounts we are needing to combine our purchases.  We can get improved discounts if we place an order for 10 or more units.  And at 20 or more units, we receive an even larger discount.

If you are thinking of purchasing solar-energy equipment, whether for your new home, existing home, friend’s home, camping, etc…, please fill out our online questionnaire so that we can combine our orders and get big savings.

This is not a commitment to purchase at this time.  We are only getting a list of 
potential buyers. 


Utah OSR Land Cooperative (OSR) has contracted with Earth’s Purest Company ™ (Earth’s Purest ) and GeoCure Global Hive Cooperative (GeoCure) to purchase 2,200 MiracleHives at cost, to provide for FREE to the first 110 members in the Utah OSR Land Cooperative at the Riverbed Ranch.

If you've been on the fence about purchasing an OSR Membership, now's the time to act!

Each OSR founding member will receive 20 free MiracleHives, worth $700 each ($14,000), which comes with a lifetime membership in GeoCure. Your MiracleHives are managed, grown and expertly cared for by GeoCure / Earths Purest; 24-7-365; they do all of the work for you!

Have a great week! - The AOSR Team
Academy of Self-Reliance
719 W 1650 N, Orem, Utah 840057
Copyright © 2019 Academy of Self-Reliance
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